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"Passionate Flame" Fountain Pen

"Passionate Flame" Fountain Pen

Model: Swansea, Large

Material: "Passionate Flame" by Fountain Telling

Regular price $225.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $225.00 CAD
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This wonderful pen is made out of "Passionate Flame" by Fountain Telling, in a Swansea L model. It has a 11mm section grip, with a ~14.5mm body and a ~15.5mm cap. I love the sparkly darkness that erupts around the warm reds and oranges... it's sure to light up your page!

See more information about the model or commission a custom pen at my linktree.
When ordering, please leave your preferred nib type and size in your comments (Gold or Steel, EF/F/M/B/1.1mm italic/1.5mm italic)

Cap 15.4mm
Body 14.3mm
Section Pinch 11mm
Capped 145.0mm
Uncapped 136.0mm
Section 23.5mm
Uncapped Weight 16.0g
Threads 13.0mm
Postable Semi

Note that all specifications are approximate - all pens are handcrafted and will have subtle variations from one pen to another.
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